Ethicore developed a strategic, proactive and coherent approach to corporate sector engagement globally. This involved stakeholder research, desk research, an internal engagement workshop with affiliates around the world. We developed a Corporate Engagement Framework and tools for engagement locally and globally.
“To develop a corporate sector engagement framework for ActionAid International covering various dimensions such as fundraising, campaigning and programming, investment and procurement, was a very challenging assignment. I am pleased that Ethicore has been able to deliver the framework through a wider well facilitated consultative process which has been appreciated by people across the organisation irrespective of their ideological leaning vis-a-vis corporate sector. As the convener of the Steering Group, overseeing this assignment, I have immensely enjoyed working with Ethicore and appreciate their professionalism and expertise in this field.”
Biranchi Upadhyaya, International Director of Programmes, ActionAid International