Posts categorised as Engagement

Radical Collaboration

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Radical collaboration is essential for those working towards transformation of social and environmental outcomes. I recommend the book “Radical Collaboration – Five Essential skills to overcome defensiveness and build successful relationships” by James W. Tamm and Ronal J. Luvet (2004, HarperCollins) for those interested in delving deeper. They focus on building collaborative intention, truthfulness, accountability, […]

The challenge and rise of new financing modalities for Sustainable Development

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Brookings Impact Bond Snapshot, 1 January 2019[i] Funding for development is changing.  Payment by results and contracts were already shaping expectations of grants and mainstream funding.  Now new funding modalities such as Development Impact Bonds (DIBs), blended finance and Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs) are reinforcing this trend.  Specific programmes may be well suited to such approaches, increasing efficiency and scale, leveraging investment funding and incentivising innovation.  They may rebalance risks […]

What next for advocacy partnerships? 

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Advocacy partnerships image

By Jane Thurlow, Ethicore Associate  A couple of weeks on from Business Fights Poverty Oxford, we’ve been reflecting on the discussion we curated with our insightful panel and  The Partnering Initiative at the Advocacy Partnership Zone.  Our panel had some clear directions on what was needed next for more impactful advocacy partnerships.  Contributors acknowledged  the […]

Innovation for Impact Partnerships at Business Fights Poverty Oxford

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Innovation for Impact Partnerships at Business Fights Poverty Oxford

By Jo Zaremba A vibrant buzz of innovators, intrapreneurs, thinkers, doers and investors filled the Innovation Partnerships session at Business Fights Poverty.  Facilitated by our partner, Darian Stibbe, of The Partnering Initiative; the topic of conversation: innovative partnerships for economic, social and environmental impact. Nine innovation leaders from companies and NGO’s shared experiences of building partnerships, setting […]

Calling for innovative partnerships

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Advocacy partnerships are essential, yet challenging.  This interactive session calls for policy makers as well as public affairs, programming, partnerships, policy and advocacy professionals to share their experiences of working behind the scenes to influence for structural and sectoral change.  We will explore the essential building blocks for advocacy partnerships to release the power of […]

Partnerships with Innovation and Impact

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If you are ready to do sustainable development differently, whether from business, institutions or NGOs, join the ‘Partnerships with Innovation and Impact’ Workshop at Business Fights Poverty Conference.  You will work through critical steps to generate value through innovative partnerships, and this will be brought to life with learning from business and INGO leaders and […]

Innovation Lenses – Take a different perspective

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by Rachael Clay More systematic and effective innovation is desperately needed to deliver sustainable development.  The challenge is to move from doing what you’ve always done, to co-creating what progress could be. Increasingly innovation will demand a focus on local approaches to innovation. We’ve been looking through 3 different lenses to facilitate this – all with […]

Registering your charity – ten lessons learnt

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So you want to register a charity? Perhaps you’re setting up a brand new organisation to achieve change in your community. Perhaps its time for your existing community group to take the step to become a formal charity. Here are some of the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve helped organisations through this process.

Don’t Ask ‘Why?’ – Creating Behaviour Change

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Beliefs have a powerful influence on our capability as individuals and also as organisations. Beliefs can be empowering, enabling us to achieve our potential. But beliefs can also be limiting, based on generalisations from our own experience. For example, …